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Why Jesus?

abc04We are not in France to extend the warmth of our personalities! We want to share the love of Jesus!

Sadly, the majority of people in the West are unaware of their need for Jesus’s grace, his forgiveness and the power of His Holy Spirit, transforming their lives. We believe that we can only live a life that has eternal impact if Jesus performs a heart transplant on us. When we agree with him, that we have a sin problem, he will forgive us and switch our natural sinful heart with one that is sensitive and responsive to Jesus. Only then can we live life to the full, overflowing with the love of Jesus and spilling his love out into a hurting world.

In The Bible, in John’s Gospel (John chapter 4), Jesus offers a woman, who has experienced many relationship problems, a new start in life. He offers her “living water”, the abundant life of living life in relationship with Jesus that will never disappoint and that will never end. Jesus explains to the woman that “whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”(verse 14)

In our own strength, we can offer people a meager cup of water, or point to a puddle or an ocean. But we are not going to France in our own strength. We are already enjoying the transforming love and power of Jesus living in us, with us and through us. We will share what Jesus has given us and it is His love that is world changing.

Without Jesus we are empty vessels expressing the frustrations of a normal life. With Jesus, we are full of the love of Jesus, bubbling over with the reality that Jesus has transformed our today and tomorrow with a life that cannot be snatched from us. When Jesus died on the cross he received the punishment that our sin deserves. He triumphed over death, rising three days after he was buried. We, too have no reason to fear death. The life Jesus offers us is triumphant, eternal and blessed! We can all receive the new life that Jesus offers if we are prepared to be changed by Him, and willingly submit to his love and authority!

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